Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Habitat poem

WALT: Write a poem about animal habitats/homes

From under the dirt ,
Or high above the sky,
These places is where
Animals all thrive.

From quietest bush
Or to the loudest jungles,
Or hidden in the deep dark 
Cave away from all harm.

Under a big big rock,
Or buried in the sand,
Or tucked away in a 
Coral where many fish hide.

On a bright sunny grassland,
Or in a wet hot rainforest.

Or out in the open on a Nice cozy plant.                                         

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Key Competencies for the first half of the year

Key Competencies 
(the capabilities required for living and lifelong learning)

Halsey Drive School
                     A = Almost Always
                                                                S = Sometimes
                                                           N = Not yet
1st half of the year
2nd half of the year
Managing Self

I am organised for the day

I am willing to try new things

I complete work to the best of my ability and show initiative

I begin work straight away, stay on task and work independently

I can set realistic goals and explain how to achieve them

I make sensible behaviour choices

I happily take part in all school activities

Relating to Others

I cooperate well with others when working

I treat others with respect

I am a good friend and role model - especially at break times

I show good manners and cooperate with others

Participating and Contributing

I share my ideas and opinions with others

I listen well to other people’s opinions

I take part in activities outside of the classroom


I ask relevant questions to deepen my knowledge 

I reflect on my own learning and say what I need to learn next

Language Symbols and Texts

I use a range of IT to share my learning

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The present: description of the main character

The present: description of the main character

CRASH! His mother wandered into the house. The boy was so concentrated on the video game that he couldn’t take his watchful eyes off the TV screen as if he was in a very crucial part of a match. His glassy beige eyes grew at the sight of something new in the room, but he grew spiteful and disinterested by the thing only having three legs. He forced it carelessly and hatefully onto the solid ground as it whimpered in agony. He wanted to be alone and isolated.

As he went back to playing his game, his glassy beige eyes were super-glued again onto the TV and was not appearing to care at about anything in the living room. He also didn’t seem to have any sympathy or respect towards anyone in this room and he seemed a bit psychotic; he seemed to only care his console and his television...

By Eric and Nuo Nuo

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

NASA plans to send helicopter to mars!

I am creating a article about NASA sending a helicopter to mars it is going to take pictures around mars the rover is going to release the helicopter and it's going to fly no more than 10 ft high and fly for 30 seconds!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Why all children should be part of a cultural group

WALT: Use a template to plan our writing

Why all children should be apart of a cultural group

Every child in New Zealand has to be part of a culture group because it helps kids build social skills,confidence,teamwork skills and it also helps build motor skills.(C) Children should be in a culture group because it helps them to accept other country.(C)

Firstly I believe every child should be in a culture group because it helps build social skills, social skills are very important for example it helps your child make new friends from other countries like China,Samoa,India and more!(C) The multicultural group can build confidence for your child as well!(S) Through culture group you can improve your oral language.(S) It helps your child understand other people from other countries through feelings and using their thought to communicate with other people.(C)

secondly the multicultural group helps with teamwork skills(S) and teamwork skills is as important as social skills it helps you communicate better with your teammates.(C) Teamwork also helps with your listening, respect and being reliable.(C) The multicultural group also makes you better at encouraging your friends when they get nervous or scared to do something,plus cultural group helps you to have more people trust you and when you have trust you have friends with no trust you don’t have friends.(C) After the cultural group you’ll be super creative and you’ll have no problem asking question because you’ll never run out of question!(C)

Lastly the multicultural group significantly helps with the gross motor skills this includes the haka and much more!(C) With gross motor skills it helps with your health and plus it helps with your exercise, exercise helps you stay fit and not obese or fat this then helps you stay healthy.(C) After all that you’ll notice you get stronger and your muscle is starting to build from all the culture group exercise, it also boost your endurance so start joining the cultural group Now!(C)

In conclusion,Overall the cultural group is so important in fact it will help you succeed in life it’ll help you communicate better with your buddies from other countries and then you’ll realize that you’ll have more friends from the start of the year till the end just like that so start joining now!(C)